
Tuesday, March 01, 2011

I am contradictory, apparently

So here's that stencil in action again, properly this time, and with considerably less bling! :)

I cut it in the first place following a prompt from the excellent "A Year In The Life Of An Art Journal" challenge blog, as they suggested the use of a self portrait. 

I love cutting stencils, and I think this one has turned out pretty well, all three of my kids reckon it's instantly recognisable as me, anyway.

Then, just after I had finished stencilling, and I was sitting there wondering what to do next, another blog - Journal Fodder Junkies this time - popped up with their own weekly prompt - which was "I am".

That seemed a pretty good fit, so I simply rattled out some bullet point journalling about who/what I am....

...and in doing so discovered that some of my bullet points were a little contradictory...I'm "happy in my skin", but I also felt the need to put down that I'm "overweight"....I'm "good at my job", but "frustratingly unambitious" and "terrible with money"....I'm "a good mum" but a total "soft touch", two things that don't always sit well together.

But, well, contradictory or no, I'm me, and I'm also "happy" and "contented" and "in love".  And that's a pretty good place to be :)

AJED : 59 / 365


  1. Thanks for posting to the JFJ Challenge. You are the first official participant. Yeah. Great page. I love stencils. I actually have taught stencils as a lesson with my high school students.

  2. That stencil looks fab Flo !!

  3. Oh wow, I adore that stencil!!! Where/how did you get that? Oh wait, I will read your former posts - you give info there? anyway, this is a great take on both the prompts!!! And I think we all are contradictory somehow, at least I am too! Thanks for playing along with AYITLOAAJ!

  4. Anonymous8:00 am

    WOW that stencil is good - would love to be able to do one like that.
    As for being contradictory - isnt everyone!

  5. wow this is superb..definitely you

  6. gorgeous! Love the stencils :)

  7. Anonymous2:26 pm

    Hi! Love your page! I just bought this book and am thinking about trying this challenge!

  8. wow...great stencil and super page!

  9. I totally love that stencil, would love to see a step by step on how to do it!!

  10. Anonymous1:14 pm

    LOVE the stencil! YOU totally captured yourself. Awesome job!!

  11. pretty darn cool!
