
Sunday, September 02, 2012

Showing some love to Mutant Enemy and all things Whedonesque

And so, I was thinking, I'd really like a Firefly t-shirt.

But I couldn't find any I really liked online, and besides, I'm skint at the moment and trying not to spend money on things I don't 100% need (we shall ignore the graphic novel I bought in Forbidden Planet yesterday as clearly that was an essential purchase)

Then I remembered I have a load of plain t-shirts I bought ages ago, and a drawer full of fabric paints too, so why not make my own?

I hummed and harred about the perfect design (and I think I know what I want to do, it involves cutting a pretty intricate stencil, heaven knows when I will get around to it) - and then got sidetracked and decided that as well as a Firefly shirt it would also be fun to make a shirt dedicated to all things in the Whedon/Mutant Enemy -verse overall (especially with the recent announcement of the upcoming Dr Horrible sequel - woohoo!!)

So here he is - the little grrrrrr arrrgghhhh dude (which will bring back happy memories if you were ever a Buffy nut like me), immortalised on a t-shirt which I will be super proud to wear :)

First layer of paint:

Outlining in black:

Getting ready to stamp the lettering:

All done:


  1. OH Sarah it really is awesome!

  2. Oh yes - you could never turn over till you'd done the 'grrrr arrrrgh!'

    He's fabulous... and if you ever DO start selling, stick me in the queue for one of these ;) I'd even send you a vest to do it on ;)

  3. Sarah, its fab!! In our house we all had to wait and do the Grrrrrr aaarrghh thing too!!
    Ditto to what Carmen said, Put me on the waiting list!!!! x
