It’s (past) time again for me to tell you what’s been rocking my little world recently - another three weeks have rolled on by, but Virginia assures me that she doesn’t do the tutting thing, so hopefully I’m not in trouble :)
Is anyone else finding it harder to find those golden nuggets of gratitude as we settle into a chilly, wet Autumn? I wouldn’t go as far as to say I have S.A.D. or anything major like that, but the darker evenings and cooler temperatures definitely have me feeling a little “meh” ….
I think it feels more frustrating because we didn’t even get much of a summer this year.
Not that the last three weeks have been all doom and gloom, just not a lot happening, especially during the week, it’s been very much a case of work, home, TV, bed. Lather, rinse, repeat.
Good TV, mind – I’m still watching an episode or two of Battlestar Galactica every night (am now about a third of the way into Season Three, and it is frakking amazing so far!), plus Connor and I have started watching Community, which is SO funny!! And also Modern Family which is funny too. Plus I enjoyed the pilot episode of Elementary. Got to say, I love my new Tivo box! We are discovering all sorts of fab telly we didn’t know about before.
So, yes, apart from the telly box, life is fairly dull during the week. But the weekends have been great fun:
Some really good games of hockey to watch (we thrashed Guildford, woohoo! Always a pleasure :D ).
Plus we have had a couple of great days out.....
First of all, on the day we were supposed to be in London at the Sketchbook Project, we went on a consolation prize (for me) trip – to the Nature In Art gallery near Gloucester.

It’s a gorgeous little gallery, set in a stately-home type building with its own sculpture garden. And, the clue’s in the name, all the art is nature-based. Everything from traditional through to contemporary, all sorts of different media, really excellent. They didn’t allow photos inside unfortunately, but we took lots of pics in the gardens.
It’s a little pricey (£15 for a family ticket) for the size of the place, you could be round there and out in an hour easily if you were in a rush, but we took our time and I think we got our money’s worth. There was a nice little café and shop, too, and a playground outside for the kiddies. Definitely recommended if you’re ever in the area.
And then a week later, it was Alton Towers baby!!! :D
We’ve been planning this trip off and on since July, it was supposed to be for Connor’s birthday, but one thing after another has got in the way and led it to be postponed a few times. But in the end I think that worked out for the best, as the Halloween season is absolutely THE best time to go to a theme park.
It was a long old day, we left the house before 7am, and didn’t get home until past midnight – and the drive home was seriously yawn inducing – but it was so worth it, we had SUCH a fun time! It’s 18 years since I was last at Alton Towers, and I’d forgotten just how fantastic it is.
Compared to ugly old Thorpe Park (great rides, but all set in concrete), it’s so landscaped and gorgeous. There’s the lovely old ruined house in the middle. And Nemesis’s waterfalls. And all the trees in the gardens, which we flew over on the sky line, looked so stunning in their best Autumn colours.
And the rides were excellent. Fairly long queues, but not too bad given it was a sunny Saturday and they had all the extra stuff laid on for Halloween which must have brought in extra crowds. Nemesis is still as brilliant as I remembered. And of the new rides, I particularly enjoyed Air and 13. One ride we didn’t manage to fit in to our busy day was Oblivion – we’ll definitely have to go back some time to get that one ticked off the list, it looked awesome!
And, I’m relieved to say, there was nothing I couldn’t fit my ample frame into :) I had been panicking a bit after reading some accounts online from size 18 ladies who had been unable to fit on the rides after queuing up for ages, and had been sent on the “walk of shame”. As, let’s be honest here, I’m bigger than a size 18! But I had absolutely no problems on any of the rides. So yay for not being too fat for rollercoasters!!! :D
I’ve noticed that my whole mood has improved dramatically since the Alton Towers day, sometimes you need a day of pure adrenaline to shake off the cobwebs, I think. Maybe they should prescribe theme park days out on the NHS :)
Other high points
• Holding my breath all day yesterday waiting for news, and being rewarded by photos of a beautiful baby boy popping up on Facebook just after 10pm - the Wednesday Whine group's first baby :) :) :)
• Hearing from an online friend that she is visiting England early next month and so we finally get to meet in real actual life - yay :D
• Giving in to the craze of the moment and buying myself a onesie from Primark – it’s so cozy and lovely I might just live in it forever!
(that's not me in the photo :) I found that pic online..... but it's the same onesie ..... well, the same design, I didn't steal a strange man's onesie ..... I like the hinges on his door though)
• The fine moral support of my Wednesday Whine cheerleaders (with or without star jumps) when I had to go and get a tooth out and was being a proper baby about it
• Hearing from both my grown up prodigal sons that life is great for them right now - the best news a mum can get
• Getting nice and busy again at work – it makes the day go quicker
• Everyone getting their Rock Resurrected circle journals home – even Clare! And I honestly thought that hers (which had been AWOL since February) was a goner forever. So that maintains my unbroken record for never having lost any journals on my watch in 7 years of CJ hosting. Go me! :D
• I got to spend some time at Jay’s house for the first time in yonks – I love it there – it’s the only place I can totally relax without thinking “I should be doing housework” or “I should be at my art table” – we just snuggled up and watched a Salvage Hunters marathon for hours, 100% guilt free, fab
• My Sketchbook Project book got a couple more views while it was in London – that’s 7 strangers who have checked it out so far, I wonder if they liked it? - and I spotted it on the shelves in a photo on someone’s blog which was exciting (I’m still really upset that I couldn’t make it there to see my book in person, thanks to them cancelling at the last minute the only day I could go, boo, but this was the next best thing)
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See that book on the second shelf up with the wide, shocking pink spine? That's mine |
• Watching Alien again for the first time in years – can you believe it’s 33 years old???? And it still looks amazing!
• Hearing that a good friend’s hubby who was made redundant earlier this year has landed himself a great job, and that they are off to sunny Barcelona, giving us all the more visit to organise a trip out there next summer (Jay’s bro and sister in law live there too, so we can do double visiting duties, can’t wait!)
• Carmen, despite being very heavily pregnant (baby arrived as I was typing this post up last night! welcome to the world little man :) ), launching her much loved annual Secret Santa. I’ve already got the name of my giftee and I’m excited to go ahead and get shopping!
• Finishing off my latest ‘turn’ in my pairs journal, and making some good progress on getting a new circle journal ready, I’d had a bit of a mojo-less few weeks and it feels good to get back to sploshing paint and ink about
• My new t-shirt arrived from the states, I love it so much! Can’t wait to wear it. It’s Sheldon and Evil Wil Wheaton from the Bing Bang Theory as Dr Horrible and Captain Hammer. Geek much?? :)
• Connor having lots of fun at holiday club this week doing halloween activities – it soothes the working mum guilt when I know he is enjoying himself
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Look, mummy, I'm a mummy! |