Saturday, June 21, 2014

Summer of Colour week 2 and some more Free Art Friday goodies....

So it is week two for the Summer of Colo(u)r - and the colour scheme we've been given to work with this time is dark teal and coral with a pop of white...

I thought this would be a good excuse to practice my portraits, and went hunting for a reference photo on the excellent site Paint My Photo that would work well with the colour scheme (thanks to Carmen for tipping me off about this site!)

I found this piccie that looked perfect .... the photographer is Alex Lee Johnson

And I did my best to bring her to life, mixed media stylee (acrylics and oil pastels on a collaged base)

I am donating the finished painting to the Free Art Friday Swindon cause, I hope whoever finds her, likes her!

And talking of Free Art Friday, I was playing around the other day and made a little sugar skull canvas on a matching spray painted easel - it's tiny, the canvas is only 2" square:

I wasn't sure if it would work for Free Art Friday or if it was too small, but I asked my peeps on Facebook and they reckoned these would go down well (even if the finders will need to be extra eagle eyed!) - so I made a couple more :)
That's all for now, see you next week for week 3 of SoC!


sue :) said...

hi, your painting is stunning. well done

Unknown said...

Beautiful portrait and awesome free art!

Anonymous said...

great portrait and use of this weeks colours.

Kristin said...


DVArtist said...

Wow your art is very impressive. Well done. Have a nice weekend

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I would find it very difficult to give this beautiful painting away. You make lovely art, and I am impressed with your free art.

linda (dots n doodles) said...

Such a great portrait painting. The colours really work well with this subject.

Mary Ann Potter said...

That's a fine portrait! I enjoyed seeing your work here.

ForgedinPaper said...

Love the colours. I'd want to keep it as well.

Virginia said...

Just done my post for SOC week 2 - more mail art/art if you want it, will bundle up this week and send if you want some of it Sarah?

Sharon Fritchman said...

She is absolutely gorgeous! I love what you did with the inspiration photo! And I love what you did for free art friday, too.

Anne said...

Your painting looks amazing! :)

Cindy McMath said...

She is absolutely gorgeous! And your sugar skull painted ladies are wonderful as well. Now - how can I get to Swindon by July 26? :)

Carmen said...

Oops - I thought I commented on this already! I love both of them Sarah - am so gutted I wont be in Swindon to find one of these or your ponies :P It's going to be such an amazing event!

Caz said...

what a gorgeous girl :-) said...

Hi. Virginia sent me over here as I believe I have you to thank for the Collabor-art that she and Carmen took part in. Love the portrait and the sugar skulls (amazed at how tiny they are). Claire x